Zaldivar Project
Zaldivar Project, at Placer Dome, Zaldivar Mine – Chile, Supported Fluor in the mechanical design of the 2 km (900 kW) downhill, 2.2 km (600 kW), and a 1 km (1700 kW) tripper steel cord belt circuits. Provided the PLC control programs for some plant and the overland system. Included sequential braking control of conveyors and inverter starting (ABB). Developed specification for H2SO4 retardant belt. Evaluated special belt rubber compound and demonstrated splice improvements using FEA. Supported Placer Dome in writing inverter specifications and in vendor review. 900 kW (3 x 300 kW) ABB (GTO) inverters were selected. Provided field commissioning support. Total length: 5.2 km.

Year of Construction: 1995
Location: Placer Dome, Zaldivar Mine – Chile
Length : 5.37 km
Power: 3,200 kW
Capacity: 3,000 tph
Strength: ST-1900 N/mm
Velocity : 3.1 m/s
Material: Copper Ore