Trombetas Project
Trombetas Project Design services for 7 overland conveyor included mechanical design, downhills, control logic for stopping and starting, instrumentation, supervisory system, and forensic testing.

Year of Construction: 1997
Conveyor: 223-06
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 2.663 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Conveyor: 220-12
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 2.415 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Conveyor: 220-13
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 1.924 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Conveyor: 220-15
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 1.578 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Conveyor: 220-17
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 3.392 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Conveyor: 220-18
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 2.860 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Conveyor: 220-19
Location: Trombetas – MRN, Brazil
Length : 2.195 km
Power: 6,750 kW
Capacity: 3,123 tph
Strength: ST-1500, ST-1600, ST-2250, ST-2600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.2 m/s
Material: Bauxite
Interesting Features:
- Scoop Tube Fluid Couplings