Palabora Project – World Record
Palabora Project World Record Design included mechanical design, dynamic analysis, pulley FEA, curved chute design, control system, instrumentation, and commisioning. Worlds strongest belt at the time.

Year of Construction: 1989
Location: South Africa
Length : 2.875 km
Power: 14,100 kW
Capacity: 7,200 tph
Strength: ST-6600 N/mm
Velocity : 4.1 m/s
Material: Copper Ore
Interesting Features:
- Worlds strongest belt at the time
- Low speed holdbacks on two drive pulleys use CDI designed holdback load share device to share load to +/- 10%.
- Determined shell fatal flaw in pulley design prior to manufacturing using FEA.
- In 1993, CDI provided novel curved chute design which protects against premature belt wear.