Morenci Project
Morenci Project Designs – CDI first became involved in the mechanical design of a 1.7km conveyor at the site in 1989. Then in 1992, CDI was brought back to work with Fluor Daniels and Wright Engineers with the design and implementation of 4 new conveyors. Responsibilities were forensic testing, mechanical design, supervisory systems, instrumentation, controls and control design. Again, CDI was called back in 1994 to work with Fluor Daniels and Simonds with similar duties.

Year of Construction: 1996
Location: Phelps Dodge Mining Company, Morenci, Arizona, USA
Length : 7.59 km
Power: 14,400 kW
Capacity: 8,000 tph
Strength: ST-5800 and ST-3000 N/mm
Velocity : 4.1 m/s
Material: Copper Ore
Interesting Features:
- Downhill elevation change of -247m.