Itaqui Project
Itaqui Project Design included mechanical design, belt design, and chute design.

Year of Construction: 2012
Location: Itaqui, Brazil
Length : 4.4 km
Power: 1,800 kW
Capacity: 1,000 tph
Strength: ST-1400 N/mm
Velocity : 5.0 m/s
Material: Coal
Chute Design
Project scope included chute design and DEM analysis for one chute in a system conveying coal up to 1,000 tph.
Number of Chutes: 1
Chute Design: Yes
ROCKY DEM Analysis: Yes
Capacity: 1,000 tph
Interesting Features:
- CDI optimized 375 mm diameter Goodyear Confine ST-1400 belt.
- Super Low Rolling Resistance pipe belt.
- 13 horizontal curves.
- Total turning angle of more than 270 degrees. One curve has a 300 m horizontal radius with a 88 degree turning angle.